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Posted: Wednesday 06/06/2007 16:31
by EUKibo
Últimament (fa una setmana) noto presència de seguretat a Renfe, de fet de no veure MAI cap segurata ara hi ha molts. (Personal de seguretat no considero als "seguratas" que es passen el dia fumant i xerrant a les validadores de sortida sense cap funcionalitat útil cap el passatger).

Això, que últimament patrullen molt per andanes i trens (sobretot en el tram Castelldefels-Clot).

realment escandalós

Posted: Wednesday 06/06/2007 18:13
by Ferry1ac1
tota la raó a en Wefer: estem a un país del primer món civilitzat o en un país ple de bojos tarats per la guerra? això no pot ser!

Policia ferroviaria ja!

fixeu-vos que a Anglaterra els hi pasen coses semblants:

Detectives from British Transport Police are appealing for witnesses and information after a train driver was left with serious facial injuries after being hit by an object near to Carleton Level Crossing yesterday evening, 05 June, 2007.

The incident occurred at approximately 23.30 hrs last night as the 21.48 Liverpool Lime Street to Blackpool North service travelled through the Carleton area near to Blackpool.

A stone or similar object was thrown through the driver’s open cab window, striking him in the face. The driver managed to continue the journey to Blackpool North station where he raised the alarm and was taken to hospital.

He has now been released from hospital in Blackpool having received treatment for serious facial injuries. Officers will liaise with the victim later today to ascertain the extent of his injuries.

It is believed the object was thrown from the area of Bensons Bridge, off Higher Moor Lane near to Carleton Level Crossing. As a result of this incident British Transport Police will be increasing patrols in the area.

No descriptions are available of the offenders at this time.

Inspector Gary Jones of British Transport Police said. "Stone throwing incidents such as this are completely unacceptable and extremely dangerous. Youngsters need to realise that an object flying through a train window at this speed could have extremely serious and even fatal consequences.

BTP takes these incidents extremely seriously and I am appealing to the local community to come forward with any information that can help the investigation. Did you witness any youths in this area at approximately 23.30 last night or do you know who is responsible?

Anyone with information is asked to contact BTP on Freefone 0800 405040 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111."

Comparacions Espanya-Anglaterra

Posted: Thursday 07/06/2007 0:18
by Guigui
Compareu. Això diuen els responsables de Renfe:
De tant en tant alguns desgraciats llancen pedres contra els trens, no és la primera vegada, però tampoc està passant res extraordinari que no hagi passat en altres ocasions. El que passa és que aquesta vegada la pedra era grossa i va tocar un dels vidres d'emergències, que es va trencar i va fer mal a un passatger.
I això, la policia d'Anglaterra:
Stone throwing incidents such as this are completely unacceptable and extremely dangerous. Youngsters need to realise that an object flying through a train window at this speed could have extremely serious and even fatal consequences.

BTP takes these incidents extremely seriously and I am appealing to the local community to come forward with any information that can help the investigation.
Sobren comentaris...

Posted: Thursday 07/06/2007 1:10
by orique
Em sembla que haurem de fer una illa artificial davant de la costa catalana, fer-hi una presó a sobre, i després enfonsar l'illa...


Posted: Thursday 07/06/2007 9:24
by aarongilp
orique wrote:Em sembla que haurem de fer una illa artificial davant de la costa catalana, fer-hi una presó a sobre, i després enfonsar l'illa...

I a dins la presó posar-hi els "mandamases" del país...

Posted: Thursday 07/06/2007 13:37
by Ferry1ac1
Realment en Guigui l'ha clavat. La diferència amb que es prenen el vandalisme a Anglaterra i aquí. Per si algú no sap anglès al final de la nota de premsa de la BTP (british transport police) diu que per a ells això és un cas a prendre amb extrema seriositat i que aquests casos poden tenir consequències serioses i fins i tot fatals.

Només cal mirar la pàgina del mossos per comprovar que a ells tant els i fa. Potser el que és més greu és que a la Renfe dóna la sensació que se'ls hi enfot més que a ningú.

Posted: Saturday 16/06/2007 1:18
by sigfrid440s
A renfe no li importa la seva imatge?

En primer lloc: Un tren ple de grafitis no hauria de estar autoritzat a circular fins aver sigut netejat.