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Re: Confusió informativa

Posted: Friday 11/03/2011 21:07
by twipsy
Guigui wrote:
Miquel wrote:Al 3cat24 diuen que hi ha desaparegut un segon tren.
Japó // 18.12 h. Un segon tren desaparegut després del pas del tsunami.
Les informacions són contradictòries. Altres fonts segueixen parlant d'un sol tren desaparegut.
segons telecinco son 2 els trens bala desapareguts

Tren(s) sinistrat(s)

Posted: Friday 11/03/2011 21:48
by Guigui
És el primer cop que sento a parlar de trens bala. A més, un tren bala amb 100 passatgers sona a força buit.

Ara, veient la font, tampoc m'estranyaria gens la barreja de sensacionalisme i catastrofisme inflat.

Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Friday 11/03/2011 22:13
by twipsy
en una crisi d'aquestes tot el que es digui es mera especulacio, a veure si ara que ja ha sortit el sol els poden trobar. tambe ha desaparegut un vaixell ple de gent, la central nuclear te una fuita i un poble sencer encara continua cremant

Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Friday 11/03/2011 22:34
by gralla
El que m'admira,és l'ordre que es veu en tot i la tranquilitat (o resignació) de la gent.

Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Friday 11/03/2011 23:39
by twipsy
imatge extreta de la NHK (no puc concretar zona)


i aquesta extreta de la TBS


Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Saturday 12/03/2011 0:23
by Nozomi
Lo del Tren Bala desaparecido es literalmente imposible. Justo en la zona afectada pasa lejos de la línea de costa. Además, al ser llano, va en viaducto. De hecho toda la línea del Tohoku Shinkansen cuando no va en viaducto va por túnel.

Qué líneas serán? Seguramente la línea Joban a su paso por la costa de Fukushima. Entre Sendai e Iwaki. Desconozco la situación en la costa de Ibaraki


La línea Senseki, seguramente en su totalidad.


La línea Senseki la usé el año pasado para ir a Matsushima, seguramente poco quede de la localidad y su hermosa bahía :'(

Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Saturday 12/03/2011 8:44
by twipsy
tambien puede pasar que se encuentre en una zona de dificil acceso y sin posibilidad de comunicar su situacion

Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Saturday 12/03/2011 9:35
by metring
Diuen a Catalunya Informació que ja funciona el metro i els trens de rodalies del Japó.

Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Saturday 12/03/2011 10:14
by twipsy
no voldria posar la ma al foc, pero podria ser un dels trens desapareguts (imatges de NHK)


Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Saturday 12/03/2011 11:15
by Nozomi

Shinchi Station (新地駅, Shinchi eki) is a JR East railway station located in Shinchi, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.


En la entrada de la estación en japonés dice:

2011年 (平成23年)3月11日 - 東北地方太平洋沖地震による津波でE721系4両編成と共に被災、駅舎が崩壊した。

2011 (año 23 de la era Heisei) 11 de marzo - Un tsunami causado por el daño del terremoto Taiheiyou noreste E721 sistema con trenes de cuatro coches, la estación se ha derrumbado.

Vamos, que el tren a tomar por cu y la estación destruída.

Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Saturday 12/03/2011 11:27
by Nozomi
Más informaciones sobre trenes en el área de Sendai:

Quashlo @ Skyscrapercity
Helicopter teams rescue 9 passengers from the 4-car JR Senseki Line train near Nobiru Station (Higashi-Matsuyama City, Miyagi Prefecture) that was derailed after being struck by the tsunami.

According to the article, the other three trains for which JR East has yet to receive contact from assigned train crews were operating on the Ōfunato Line, Kesennuma Line, and Yamada Line—all relatively minor lines, but with sections right up along the Tōhoku coastline and easily susceptible to the tsunami.
Sobre la red de alta velocidad, en algunos puntos de Fukushima, la catenaria del Tohoku Shinkansen ha quedado así:
Don't want to get too much into Shinkansen since it's probably better left in the other thread, but I just found this picture of part of the aerial structure through Fukushima:

Image ... 120218.jpg

Suffice it to say they've got their work cut out for them, although at least this part is only the catenary masts... I haven't heard any news of structural damage to the aerials. Jōetsu and Nagano Shinkansen are back in service as of 16:04 March 12.

Aquí hay más fotos de los trenes de la línea Senseki descarrilados cerca de Sendai ... mi128.html

Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Saturday 12/03/2011 18:18
by Nozomi



Posted: Saturday 12/03/2011 18:58
by Guigui
twipsy wrote:segons telecinco son 2 els trens bala desapareguts
Per Telecinco, tren japonès = tren bala. Informació a nivell de JJ Vázquez i Belén Esteban.

Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Saturday 12/03/2011 21:50
by Nozomi
Acaba de salir esta buena noticia en ANSA:
Giappone:ritrovati i 4 treni,tutti salvi

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 12 MAR - Sono stati ritrovati in Giappone i 4 treni in servizio tra Iwate e Miyagi. Dati per inghiottiti dallo tsunami, sono ricomparsi insieme ai circa 70 passeggeri e macchinisti, tutti salvi. Sul treno della linea Senseki, il guidatore, il capotreno e 50 passeggeri si sono rifugiati in una scuola elementare, sfuggendo alla furia dell'onda. Sui due convogli della linea Ofunato, il guidatore e 15 passeggeri si sono riparati in una scuola media, mentre altri 5 passeggeri sono andati per conto proprio.

Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Sunday 13/03/2011 9:31
by twipsy

Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Sunday 13/03/2011 12:12
by Nozomi
Instantes previos y durante el terremoto transmitidos por la televisión pública NHK. Se advierte que la televisión tiene un sistema de aviso automático y a los pocos segundos cortan la emisión para informar en directo tal y como ocurre en el vídeo. Son 4 minutos sin editar...

0:08 Campana de AVISO de terremoto en Miyagi, Iwate, Fukushima, Akita y Yamagata.
0:50 La cámara pinchada en el parlamento empieza a temblar.
1:23 El balanceo es ligeramente más fuerte.
1:36 Cortan la señal y pasan a presentador desde el estudio de emergencia en NHK Shibuya. Suena la campana de terremoto.
1:50 Tienen que abrir mucho el plano para meter todos los rótulos. Se observan dos regidores a ambos lados de la mesa. Me parece que desde allí mismo le van pasando al presentador las informaciones.
1:55 Empiezan a conectar en directo, primero en Sendai (se observa la catenaria del Shinkansen).
2:21 La cámara anterior pierde señal y cambian a una situada en Ishinomaki (costa de Miyagi).
2:28 Cambian a la cámara situada en la azotea de los estudios NHK en Shibuya mirando hacia los rascacielos de Shinjuku.
3:17 Conectan con otra cámara situada en lo alto de la estación de Sendai.
3:27 Salta el mapa de alerta de Tsunami.

Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Sunday 13/03/2011 12:14
by Nozomi
Terremoto en Japón - incidencias ferroviarias
Restoration of service on Tōhoku, Akita, Yamagata Shinkansen will take time

After damage to facilities and equipment at multiple locations was discovered along the Tōhoku Shinkansen in Fukushima, Miyagi, and other prefectures, all services on the line, together with the Akita and Yamagata Shinkansen, were cancelled on March 12. On March 13, most of the zairaisen (conventional lines) in the Greater Tōkyō area, as well as the Jōetsu and Nagano Shinkansen, will resume normally-scheduled service, but the damage in the Tōhoku region is severe, and it’s still uncertain when service can be resumed.

On the Tōhoku Shinkansen, there is difficulty in checking on the extent of the damage from Tochigi Prefecture north. “We’ve just begun inspecting facilities north of Nasu–Shiobara Station. It will take a fair amount of time to understand (the extent of the damage),” said a JR East spokesperson on the evening of March 12.

According to JR East, by the evening of March 12 inspections were largely complete on the Tōhoku Shinkansen between Ōmiya and Nasu–Shiobara, where damage was minor. And even then, there were multiple reports of damage, including three masts supporting the overhead at Oyama Station that had toppled over and columns on the Oyama – Utsunomiya section and at Nasu–Shiobara Station that suffered cracks.


There has been little, if any, progress on assessing the status of the facilities in Fukushima, Miyagi, and Iwate Prefectures, where damage is expected to be more severe. So far, there have been confirmations of spalling on concrete columns supporting the aerial structure near Kōriyama Station, but the railway is a long way from understanding the overall status of the line.

The railway is also having difficulty contacting some of its regional offices as a result of damage to local company buildings or power outages. Access is prohibited to many areas as well, making it difficult for the railway, whose staff cannot enter to conduct inspections. A spokesperson at JR East headquarters says, “We have no idea at all just how long it will take to bring the line back into service.”

Originally, the railway had also said that a test train on the Tōhoku Shinkansen had derailed while stopped at at Sendai Station immediately after the earthquake, but it was later revealed in inspections that the train was actually decelerating to enter the station.

As for zairaisen in the Tōhoku region, JR East had originally announced that it had not received word from crews on a total of four trains as of the morning of March 12, but their whereabouts were eventually confirmed by the evening. According to JR East and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), the passengers and crews were confirmed safe.

Overhead masts on the Tōhoku Shinkansen, toppled over in the earthquake. (March 12, 5:28 pm, Kunimi Town, Fukushima Prefecture).
Notica de ANN - 12 de marzo

Pilares del viaducto del Shinkansen entre Shin-Hanamaki y Morioka (Pref. Iwate). Foto Nihon Keizan Shimbun

Nihon Keizan Shimbun dice en su artículo que algunas secciones en líneas convencionales de Iwate y Aomori han sido dañadas por corrimientos de tierra.

Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Sunday 13/03/2011 12:21
by Nozomi
Terremoto en Japón - incidencias ferroviarias
Service restored on Jōetsu, Nagano Shinkansen

As of 16:04 on 2011.03.12, JR East restored service on the Jōetsu and Nagano Shinkansen after being forced to suspend service for approximately 25 hours as a result of what is now being called the Tōhoku Region Pacific Ocean Earthquake. There were also several earthquakes up to M6 in the Nagano and Jōetsu regions in the late evening of 2011.03.11 and early morning of 2011.03.12 that caused damage on the Iiyama Line, a conventional line. A section of track there on a mountain slope is now suspended in mid-air after the ground beneath gave way in a landslide. However, inspections confirmed the safety of the Shinkansen infrastructure, and service was able to resume on the Jōetsu and Nagano Shinkansen lines.
Noticia de TBS - 12 de marzo

Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Sunday 13/03/2011 12:31
by Nozomi
Terremoto en Japón - incidencias ferroviarias

Fotos del Yomiuri Shimbun

Tren de la línea JR Senseki en Higashi-Matsuyama (Miyagi, 12-3)

Ciudadanos que pasan la noche en los pasillos de la estación de Ueno (Tokio, 12-3)

Andenes de la estación de autobuses de Shibuya (Tokio, 11-3)

Estación de Hakodate (Hokkaido, 11-3)

Gente esperando el restablecimiento del servicio en la terminal Keio en Shinjuku (Tokio, 11-3)

Estación cerrada y gente siguiendo las indicaciones de los paneles en la estación de JR Kawasaki (Kanagawa, 11-3)

Sin trenes, la gente tiene que volver a casa andando (Shibuya - Tokio, 11-3)

Pasajeros en la estación de JR Shinjuku (Tokio, 11-3)

Pasajeros esperando en la terminal Odakyu en Shinjuku (Tokio, 11-3)

Re: Trens i infraestructura ferroviària al Japó

Posted: Sunday 13/03/2011 12:35
by Nozomi
Terremoto en Japón - incidencias ferroviarias

Más fotos, sobre el tren en Shinchi (Pref. Fukushima). La estación fue barrida del mapa, sólo queda el paso superior. No hubo heridos ni víctimas.

Esto último es el interior del tren :o
JR East announced that 70 passengers and crew on the four passenger trains feared lost had been accounted for:

* About 50 passengers plus conductor from a train on the JR Senseki Line between Nobiru and Tōna. The train’s operator made it back to Sendai on his / her own.
* About 15 passengers and one operator from a train on the JR Ōfunato Line between Ōfunato and Shimo-Funato.
* Several passengers from a JR Kesennuma Line train between Matsuiwa and Saichi. The operator returned to the train yard.
* Passengers from a JR Ōfunato Line train at Sakari Station who had already exited the train before the earthquake occurred. ... 3-jij-soci

However, there is apparently another train on the Sanriku Railway Minami-Rias Line (a small, third-sector private railway in Iwate) that is still lost. ... 014-n1.htm