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Avaria de l'Eurostar al túnel del Canal de la Mànega

Posted: Saturday 19/12/2009 11:02
by metring ... io_PK=1021

Más de 2.000 personas pasan la noche atrapadas en el túnel del Canal de la Mancha por el mal tiempo

1. • Cuatro trenes se averían por la diferencia de temperatura entre el interior y el exterior del subterráneo :o


Más de 2.000 personas han pasado la noche atrapadas en el túnel bajo el Canal de la Mancha después de que cuatro trenes de la línea Eurostar --que une Londres, Bruselas y París--, se hayan averiado debido al mal tiempo, que ha causado un brusco cambio de temperatura entre los niveles bajo cero en el noroeste de Francia y el ambiente más cálido en el interior del subterráneo, según el portavoz de Eurostar, Bram Smets.

Los afectados que viajaban en los trenes que salieron del continente a última hora de la tarde con dirección a Londres, en un viaje que dura dos horas y media, pero no llegaron a la capital británica hasta las 8 horas en España, unas 12 horas después de lo previsto.

Numerosos pasajeros que han quedado atrapados han declarado a la prensa británica que han recibido muy poca información de lo que estaba ocurriendo, que el calor ha sido insoportable en el interior de los vagones y que la gente ha pasado hambre y sed.

El británico James Brownell ha manifestado a la BBC que no se les ha ofrecido ni agua ni comida, y que no ha habido información: "Ha sido muy frustrante, no teníamos ni idea de lo que estaba pasando". "Había bebés y han sido unas 12 horas horribles", ha dicho.

Seguirá el mal tiempo

El túnel continúa cerrado, por lo que cientos de personas esperan en Francia a que se reanude el servicio y otras tantas aguardan en Folkestone, en la entrada en el lado inglés, ser transportadas en otros trenes hasta su destino final. La compañía ha pedido a quienes tengan billetes para viajar hoy que pospongan su viaje ya que no se espera que la situación se normalice hasta pasados algunos días.

En las últimas 24 horas el sureste de las islas británicas y el noroeste de Francia han tenido fuertes nevadas y la previsión meteorológica indica que las precipitaciones continuarán.

En el lado inglés, en el condado de Kent, la policía ha puesto en marcha una operación especial para aliviar el atasco de los camiones que esperan poder cruzar hasta la costa francesa por el túnel o en un ferry por el Canal de la Mancha. La acumulación de vehículos se ha visto agravada por el cierre del puerto de Calais, en el lado francés.

Plegats de braços

Posted: Saturday 19/12/2009 14:44
by Guigui
I no hi havia cap locomotora diesel (en la composició que calgués: simple, doble, triple...) capaç de remolcar el tren fins a la boca més propera? Apa, que deuria ser divertit per al passatge, especialment per als que patien de claustrofòbia...

Re: Incidències a ferrocarrils fora de Catalunya

Posted: Saturday 19/12/2009 21:21
by metring
Hi ha algú que en sàpiga de temes d'aquests, i pugui explicar com és que apareixen aquesta mena de problemes entre la temperatura interior dels trens i l'exterior?

Diferència de temperatura

Posted: Sunday 20/12/2009 10:28
by Guigui
El problema sembla raure més aviat en la diferència de temperatura entre el túnel i l'exterior.

Eurostar: estan perduts

Posted: Sunday 20/12/2009 17:00
by Guigui ... p?page=all

Snow brings travel chaos across UK as Eurostar trains suspended

Engineers examine Eurostar trains' failure and air and road travel disrupted during country-wide cold snap

Martin Wainwright, Sunday 20 December 2009 13.32 GMT

Specialist engineers are to examine Eurostar's usually trouble-free trains to crack the puzzle of why they failed so disastrously, after running unaffected in previous cold snaps.

The firm has blamed the sudden contrast for the high speed engines between freezing temperatures above ground and the heat of the tunnel's 25C (77F).

Slower freight trains on the Eurotunnel service were not affected, and the contrast will form part of the company's investigation. Experts are also expected to focus on the fact that the failures were in London-bound services, which spend longer overground in France before the tunnel than trains going south.

"It's all a bit of a mystery and the company, and indeed a lot of people, appear baffled by it," said Nigel Harris, managing editor of Rail magazine. "But the fact that the problem has affected London-bound trains rather than ones leaving St Pancras may have been due to the fact that those heading away from London have less time to get cold.

"They pass through miles of tunnel through London and then go under the Thames and they just don't have time to get exposed to the very cold temperatures before going into the tunnel. But what is really puzzling about this is the fact that it is happening now, even though the trains have been exposed to cold weather over the last few years."

The Eurostar trains are similar to the French TGV high-speed locos, which have not suffered from cold weather problems, although they do not face the abrupt temperature contrast of the tunnel run in conditions such as those this weekend.

An incoming flight from Qatar was diverted from Manchester airport this morning because of snow on the only runway in use over the Christmas period. The plane landed at Birmingham, but a spokesman for Manchester airport said that the airport was open after two snow-clearing and de-icing runs during the course of the morning.

Belfast and Inverness airports were closed this morning but both were planning to reopen later today. EasyJet asked customers to check flights in advance and to apply for refunds in the event of cancellations. A spokesman said that many continental airports were restricting incoming flights and the chances of rebooking in the next few days were slim.

Empty test trains gingerly started running on Eurostar's crippled Channel tunnel link today, as thousands of travellers counted the cost of ruined trips.

Snow and ice continue to cause problems and police are warning against unnecessary journeys in many parts of the country, especially the Kent hinterland of the tunnel and on both sides of the Scottish border.

Winter sunshine is relieving the misery of the last three days across most of the UK, but temperatures remain arctic and the Met Office warns of further snow to come. This is likely to fall in a broken pattern across southern Scotland, Cumbria and Yorkshire until late tomorrow night.

Eurotunnel vehicle trains continue to run, but are so full that current terminal delays are up to two hours and unbooked travellers are being turned away. The port of Dover has reopened and ferries are running normally, except that tourists and car travellers are getting priority over freight until the huge backlog built up yesterday is cleared.

The Eurostar passenger service is completely out of action and the firm's chief executive Richard Brown admitted that staff were "not adequately prepared" for the winter weather.

Five services broke down, causing hours of delay for exhausted passengers, and angry scenes as people queued for lavatories and children fainted. Nirj Deva, Conservative MEP for the south east of England, called on Brown to resign as a result of "Eurostar's astonishing incompetence". He described the £150 refund offer to victims of the delays as "paltry and proof of how out of touch the management of this company really is".

Special overnight trains to relieve the backlog of would-be passengers that built up in both Paris and London were cancelled. Brown visited St Pancras and told people queueing that he was "very, very sorry", but few were appeased.

"Train staff did a dreadful job," said Alison Sturgeon, from Ascot, Berkshire, whose return from Disneyland Paris to St Pancras took nearly 16 hours. "They were useless at giving us information. There was no communication at all."

Two off-duty police officers, Caroline Lowe of the Sussex force and her partner Anton Menzies of the Met, helped evacuate one train when tempers flared. Around 800 passengers were left with just two toilets and some relieved themselves on the floor. Others were sick or suffered breathing problems and panic attacks as all 18 carriages were left in darkness in the tunnel.

"It became very hot due to no air conditioning," said Lowe, whose training included knowledge of the Channel tunnel layout and emergency exits. "After several hours, we decided to open the emergency doors to allow air to circulate through the train." Helped by another off-duty police officer and a paramedic, the pair then helped passengers transfer to a freight train stopped alongside.

Relief is gradually coming to roads approaching Dover, after yesterday's port closure added to the misery caused by the tunnel breakdowns. Cars spent the whole of Saturday making journeys which would normally have taken minutes, as roads jammed solid outside the town and neighbouring Folkestone.

A spokesman for the port of Dover said that all ferry services from Dover to Dunkirk, Boulogne and Calais were running with an "intensive shuttle" to clear the backlog. He said: "Traffic is still very busy, running on both the A2 and the A20 routes into Dover following the earlier problems with the adverse weather and closure of the port of Calais.

"The roads in France remain passable with the exception of the A16 and N42 eastbound from Calais, which are currently closed to lorries but remain open to cars. On this side of the Channel Operation Stack is in place for freight, and lorry drivers are advised to go to Maidstone and join the stack on the M20 at junction 8. Car and coach customers intending to sail are advised not to set out for the port without checking with their operator first."

Eurostar travellers' frustration was echoed on the gridlocked M20 where Czech visitor Rony Kovora and her two pre-primary school daughters spent more than 16 hours within a mile of junction 12 near Cheriton and Folkestone. Her brother-in-law Roy Konarski, expecting the family for Christmas, said: "It makes you embarrassed to be English. I think it's disgusting that nothing's been done. I phoned Kent police and they said they were doing everything they can."

The sheer weight of traffic overwhelmed officers until freight lorries were diverted and others stacked in a queue for ferries and Eurotunnel services. French authorities have indicated that no freight will be allowed into the country until later today, when the car backlog should be cleared.

Forecasters said that temperatures last night fell to between -2C (28F) and -7C (19F) causing problems with icy roads. Councils and the Environment Agency continue to grit main routes and there have not yet been any reports of supplies running low.

Snow is predicted in the north-west today, crossing to Yorkshire in the afternoon, with another weather front threatening as much as 10cm in East Anglia.

Kent's assistant chief constable, Andy Adams, said: "There is now some snow on the M20 and we are working with the Highways Agency to grit the road so that we can continue with the progress already made to clear the backlog of vehicles. We expect further delays to motorists this morning using the M20 and would therefore reiterate the need to travel only if necessary and, if so, to drive prepared with warm clothing and food."

The usual clutch of Christmas travel surveys meanwhile found that Fairytale of New York by The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl is the tune drivers most appreciate when stuck in Christmas jams. Another poll suggested that clean underwear was rated more important than a toothbrush in such circumstances.

No funcionarà fins entrada la setmana

Posted: Sunday 20/12/2009 19:01
by Guigui ... _81968.php

L'Eurostar, aturat pel fred

La línia ferroviària que uneix Londres, Brussel·les i París ha comunicat que no hi haurà un servei del tot normalitzat fins ben entrada la setmana

Ult. Act. 20/12/2009 13:28

Els serveis d'Eurostar, la línia ferroviària que uneix Londres, Brussel·les i París, continuen suspesos també aquest diumenge a causa del mal temps, segons ha informat l'empresa, després que un tren s'avariés dissabte a Kent, al sud-est d'Anglaterra.

El director executiu d'Eurostar ha assegurat que hi ha un investigació en marxa per saber el motiu perquè cinc trens es paressin mentre creuaven el túnel sota el Canal de la Mànega.

La companyia considera que la causa de les avaries va ser el canvi brusc de temperatura entre el fred que fa al nord-est de França i les condicions climàtiques més càlides de l'interior del túnel, fet que hauria afectat el sistema elèctric.

L'empresa diu que els problemes no se solucionaran fins d'aquí uns dies i que no hi haurà un servei normalitzat fins ben entrada la setmana.

Eurostar, que fa 15 anys que funciona, ha ofert als passatgers afectats el reemborsament dels seus bitllets, una compensació de 150 lliures (169 euros) i un bitllet gratis en el cas que decideixin tornar en aquest tren.

Re: Incidències a ferrocarrils fora de Catalunya

Posted: Tuesday 22/12/2009 18:03
by metring ... icios.html

El Eurostar reanuda sus servicios

Los trenes que comunican el continente europeo con el Reino Unido a través del Canal de la Mancha vuelven a funcionar tras tres días de suspensión

22/12/2009 | Actualizada a las 12:45h | Sucesos
París. (Reuters/EP).- El servicio de trenes Eurostar, que comunica el continente europeo con Reino Unido a través del Canal de la Mancha, reanudó este martes su actividad con la salida de un tren desde la Estación del Norte de París, el primero después de tres días de suspensión a causa del temporal de nieve, que ha dejado a miles de personas sin pasaje.

El tren salió de la estación a las 8:09 horas, mientras un millar de usuarios seguían haciendo cola a la espera de futuros servicios. Eurostar, perteneciente a las compañías ferroviarias estatales de Francia y Bélgica y al Gobierno británico, canceló todos sus servicios durante tres días, después de que cerca de 2.500 personas quedaran atrapadas el pasado sábado durante 16 horas en el túnel del Canal de la Mancha.

El operador Eurotunnel se había comprometido a reanudar este martes la actividad de forma limitada. La prioridad corresponde a los pasajeros que habían adquirido sus billetes entre el sábado y el domingo. Se prevé que el servicio tenga problemas de aquí al 24 de diciembre a causa de los retrasos acumulados. Eurostar suele atender a unos 40.000 usuarios cada día.

Errors en la evacuació de l'Eurostar

Posted: Saturday 26/12/2009 18:35
by Guigui
Sobre l'avaria de l'Eurostar, Eurotunnel (l'empresa gestora del túnel de la Mànega) ha criticat Eurostar per no haver aplicat correctament les normes de seguretat en l'evacuació dels trens, cosa que va endarrerir considerablement el procés.

L'única font que he trobat al respecte és al diari austríac Der Standard.

El servei d'Eurostar, interromput de nou

Posted: Thursday 07/01/2010 15:11
by Guigui ... nel-tunnel

Eurostar train breaks down in Channel tunnel

Passengers stranded in freezing weather after Brussels to London St Pancras train gets stuck in tunnel

Alexandra Topping, Thursday 7 January 2010 11.27 GMT

Eurostar was hit with further weather-related woes today after another train was stranded in the Channel tunnel for more than an hour.

A number of trains were cancelled because of freezing temperatures, and the company was forced to offer full refunds or exchanges to all passengers due to travel today who wished to change their tickets.

The affected train, which left Brussels at 8.05am CET and was due to arrive at London St Pancras at 8.56am GMT, had to be towed out of the tunnel by a service engine after the high-speed service encountered yet more problems in heavy snow.

A spokesman for Eurostar said the train had restarted its journey at 10.35am, and would be in Ashford, Kent, shortly after if it encountered no further problems. Another train, the 8.07 from Paris to London, had been stuck for a similar time period outside the tunnel in France, he said.

It is not known why the train broke down, but further details are expected to be released this afternoon. The company was unsure how the stranded train would affect today's services. A spokesman said passengers should check in as normal, but warned that services could be subject to cancellation or delay.

The latest headache for Eurostar comes weeks after hundreds of passengers were stranded in the tunnel for hours when five trains were unable to move because of electronic malfunctions caused by the snow.

Thousands of passengers on either side of the Channel were left wondering whether they would get home for Christmas, and an estimated 75,000 passengers were caught up in the backlog as restricted services caused travel chaos.

Indemnitzacions pel caos de l'Eurostar

Posted: Tuesday 19/01/2010 0:12
by Guigui
Les indemnitzacions per les cancel·lacions de l'Eurostar abans de Nadal ascendeixen a 11 milions d'euros. Hi ha 100.000 persones afectades.

Font: agències de notícies.

Re: Indemnitzacions pel caos de l'Eurostar

Posted: Tuesday 19/01/2010 19:19
by canalcole
Guigui wrote:Les indemnitzacions per les cancel·lacions de l'Eurostar abans de Nadal ascendeixen a 11 milions d'euros. Hi ha 100.000 persones afectades.

Font: agències de notícies. ... s-126827-1

El Eurostar se colapsa: tendrá que pagar 16 millones a los afectados

Eurostar, la empresa del tren que une Reino Unido con Europa por el canal de la Mancha, pagará unos 16,3 millones de dólares a más de 100.000 afectados una avería en varios trenes antes de Navidad. Suspendió tres días sus viajes en plena época navideña al fallar los trenes que unían Londres, París y Bruselas debido a las diferencias térmicas entre el calor en el interior del túnel y el frío del exterior.

Esta compañía suspendió tres días sus viajes en plena época navideña al fallar los trenes que unían Londres, París y Bruselas debido a las diferencias térmicas entre el calor en el interior del túnel y el frío del exterior.

De esta manera, cientos de pasajeros tuvieron que ser evacuados.

El director ejecutivo de Eurostar, Richard Brown, aseguraba este lunes que "no podemos garantizar que el Eurostar nunca volverá a ser objeto de una avería debido a las condiciones meteorológicas extremas, pero haremos todo lo que esté en nuestras manos para garantizar que las oportunidadades de que tenga lugar esa disfunción se minimicen".

Ni lliures ni euros: dòlars

Posted: Tuesday 19/01/2010 19:32
by Guigui
No sabia que la Cope era dels Estats Units.

Eurostar reconeix errors

Posted: Friday 12/02/2010 17:49
by Guigui ... tunel.html

Eurostar admet errors en l'averia que va deixar milers de viatgers atrapats en el túnel

16:03 12.02.2010

Londres (ACN).- Eurostar, la companyia ferroviària que enllaça el Regne Unit amb el continent europeu, no disposava dels sistemes d'emergència i d'evacuació suficients per fer front a un incident com el del passat desembre. Aquesta és la conclusió d'un informe encarregat pels governs francès i britànic que s'ha presentat aquest divendres a Londres. El document urgeix canvis en els procediments de l'operador de trens en situacions de baixes temperatures i en el manteniment dels combois. La companyia ha admès els errors, que van suposar que unes 2.500 persones quedessin atrapades més de 16 hores en el túnel sota el canal de la Mànega, a les fosques, sense aire condicionat ni serveis, després que un tren s'avariés.

Re: Avaria de l'Eurostar al túnel del Canal de la Mànega

Posted: Friday 12/02/2010 21:51
by 437.001
Però com pot ser que al túnel del canal passi això, i en canvi als túnels de Guadarrama de la LAV de Valladolid, que tenen una climatologia més o menys semblant a l´hivern, o potser més dura i tot, no passi ?

Re: Avaria de l'Eurostar al túnel del Canal de la Mànega

Posted: Saturday 13/02/2010 20:54
by Sagrerenc
437.001 wrote:Però com pot ser que al túnel del canal passi això, i en canvi als túnels de Guadarrama de la LAV de Valladolid, que tenen una climatologia més o menys semblant a l´hivern, o potser més dura i tot, no passi ?
Crec que no es pot comparar, els túnels de Guadarrama fa poc que estan en servei i tenen molt menys trànsit que l'Eurotunnel. I la fallida no va ser provocada tant pel fred sinó per la diferència de temperatures entre l'exterior i l'interior. En el cas de Guadarrama, en ser un túnel més curt i no tant profund, no crec que sigui tan gran aquesta diferència.

Re: Avaria de l'Eurostar al túnel del Canal de la Mànega

Posted: Tuesday 16/02/2010 20:05
by ROMI65
Si us interessa, l'informe sobre els esdeveniments del 18 al 23 de desembre de 2009 es pot descarregar (en anglés o francés) ací.